Monday, March 11, 2013

Solo Mordancage Attempt

After having done a good deal of research I launched into the Mordancage process for my first solo effort. A little over a year ago, I first learned about the process from fellow artist, Marcy Werner. On this occasion she had done the research and the mixing of chemicals and I had simply reaped the benefit of her pioneering work, but yesterday I successfully replicated the process, albeit with results quite different from the first attempt.

I was able to pay Marcy's kindness forward by exploring the Mordancage process with a new friend; talented Photographer, Josh Fiedler, who was kind enough to play buddy system with me while I measured and mixed caustic chemicals in metrics. Here are some of the results:

Since this is just my first attempt, I will abstain from posting my methods, but I have documented the process with video, so that future Mordancage-curious photographers can try this experiment safely. There are certainly dangerous aspects to this process, and as the mothering type, I want to frame this information in a way that emphasizes planning and caution. Video to come!

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